Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 7

Sorry Team Family Affair, we had to cancel the session because of the thunder and lightning. Team Xena, plus Andrew did exceptionally well!!

Sledgehammer swings on the Tractor tire
Tire squats (killers)
Bear Crawls
and more

Erica wanted to kill me because I was making her work so hard also, because I made her do an extra rep.. hehe
Shawna you continue to surprise yourself, don't tell yourself your too small because your a beast!!! (in the most feminine way possible
Cristina.... This girl did all the exercise with a sprained wrist... nothing else needs to be said.
Keisha!! Pushed herself to the point of no return. Lets just say we know what you ate. lol Good job and way to work hard.
Andrew couldn't work out in the morning so he left work to come and work out for an hour... Now that's dedication. Here's the good part; He went back to work after the workout!! Amazing bro, amazing.

Awesome job today, and Day 8 is only gonna get better!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 6

Congratulations to both teams. You all made it through the grueling "Tabata workout"

5 x high knees  30 sec
5 x burpees  30 sec
5 x squat jumps  30 sec
5 x one leg jumps  30 sec
all with 20 sec break

That was just some of what you did. Again, reflect on everything that you have done these past two weeks and think about what you were able to do before bootcamp and what your able to do now. Quite amazing.
Everyone get ready for next week when we really amp up the training. I have confidence in all of you!!

6:30am "family affair" rain and thunderstorms session is cancelled

Day 5

Alright we are getting to the end of the 2nd week. Gotta get the cardio in and strengthen the body overall. Week 3 things get serious. But today, we did alot of running and heavy exercises on the legs. Then finished it off with some Stairs. A big shout out to Erica, she only had to do 5 but did 8 stairs anyways. We to go girl!

Here are some pictures of team "Family Affair" Way to go get it everyone!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 4

Note to everyone:

I have been so pleased with the effort that everyone has put forth. All of you will be surprised with the changes in your performances in the exercises and physically in your body.

Day 4, was very difficult. We ran hills and today was full of a lot of running. My focus was to push all of you Aerobically and anaerobically. Very simply, having you run long distances and short distances. I'm sorry but expect to run from now on. There is no looking back now.... Think of everything that you have done so far, and where you were when you first started.... what kind of shape were you in? What kind of shape are you in now? Did you even run before? Did you every think that you would be doing this at the level that you are doing it? All of you have come a long way in a very short time. Keep it up and you'll be very surprised. Remember to stay with your meal plans and do something on your off days.

please leave a comment.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Day 3

Day 3 was a hot and muggy day. Team Family Affair had a great session. All team members ran their hearts out and finished all exercises. Andrew, Jolanta, Debra, and Beverly work very hard, even though they could hardly breathe. New comers: Lotoya and Corina, stepped up and didn't miss a beat. Congrats to Family Affair! Bring the same intensity and effort to Day 4.

The name Xena personifies every individual on this team. It was very hot and humid out, but Team Xena chose to work instead of complain. I want to recognize every member on this team. All of you are warriors! Christine doesn't know the meaning of quit, Erica can see the finish line and will not stop until she crosses it, Christina has an inner strength that wont allow her to quit. Keisha has the mentality and talent of a world class athlete and is weeks away from achieving greatness. Jodianne knows what pain is and happily faces it every session with a smile. Shawna allows nothing to break her focus, she can handle anything thrown at her, very soon she'll be doing the throwing!! Great Day 3 Xena's, Take on Day 4 with the same optimism and focus.

Meet Team "Family Affair"

Y'all mean business!!

Show them what you got!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Meet Team Xena

Flex those Muscles Girls!!

Show them who's boss!!

Exercise is FUN!!!

Day 2

 The Dreaded Stairs!!!

Great job to the 6:30am team and the 7:00pm team!!

You had 2 min and 30 secs to do as many of these stairs as you could.

6:30am team                                     Team Xena

Jolanta  - 5 3/4                                  Christina - 5 3/4
Beverly - 4 1/4                                  Jodianne - 4 3/4
Debra - 4 3/4                                    Erica - 5 1/6
Andrew 7 1/4                                    Shawna 6
                                                         Keisha - 5
                                                         Christine - 2 3/4

Up and down was counted as one rep, all of you did awesome and this was a good starting point. Can't wait to see what those numbers will look like at the end of the bootcamp.
Day 2 is in the books, remember to eat healthy and try to walk, swim and play a sport on your off days. Please leave a comment below and tell me how you feel.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


They have caused you pain the last two days, and it's stated you can take them to heaven, I hope you figured out the hint... Don't fret I'll see you at seven. (actually I'll see you at 6:30)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Getting into shape is a hard thing to do, there must be a change of mind, a shift in the heart and a renewed lifestyle before there is a change of body. - Sheldon Scott -

Don't Forget!!

Xena's don't forget that you have measurements tomorrow starting at 6:30pm. Anyone that wants photos can take photos also. Before we start our workout, I will be taking a group photo of all the Xena's!! Thanks!

Personal Training is built on relationships

If someone ever tells you that a good personal trainer just needs to know theoretically or practically how to get someone into shape, then they aren't telling you the entire truth. Being a personal trainer in most cases, asks for the trainer to be very passionate about what he/she does and who he/she are training. The trainer needs to want to achieve the same goals that his/her client does. I've been trained by many coaches, while I ran Track and Field, and I can tell you without any doubt that I performed better when I trusted and felt comfortable with my coach. The same goes with the Trainer and client relationship. Your client has to feel comfortable and has to trust you. If that happens then the sky is the limit.  Your client will be willing to do that extra set, do those extra squats and do those sit-ups on their off days, if they trust you, feel comfortable and feel that you are knowledgeable.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 1 Xena's

Good job tonight ladies!!

List of events:

- Warm-up Jog with half burpees
- Squat Jumps with 8 lb medicine ball
- Partner Leg lifts
- Partner Squats
- Pushup's with side to side arm killers
- Partner Wheelbarrows
- Medicine ball toss
- Stretches

Team Xena did awesome. Remember that the first few reps in the set aren't that important. It's the last few reps that hurt to push out that will build that muscle. Feel Free to leave a comment below. Awesome job girls!!! See you on Wednesday!!! (Dun Dun Dun)

Day 1 - Get Evolutionized 6:30am Team

Good Job to all team members



Today all of you started on the road to a new body, new attitude and a new you. As much as today hurt, I guarantee that the exercises will become fluid and effortless. I said it before, "You have to build a foundation". We will begin with the Core, Balance, and Legs. On your off days, try to go for a walk, play soccer, or beach volleyball. You all did well, see you on Wednesday!!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Evolution Sports Training Get Fit and Have Fun!!

No more dull, boring redundant workouts that don’t give you results. Evolution Sports Training will take various aspects from a variety of sports to create exceptional performance plans tailored just for you. We “Evolutionize” you to be the best that you can be. We will “Evolutionize” your Mind and Body using a variety of sports and their training methods to create a lean, muscular and athletic body. Evolution Sports Training is not for one particular person…. It’s for EVERYONE, so come and create a phenomonal new you!!